Mental Health in Schools
Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Programmes For Schools - Universal and Additional Support Services
Our mental health support programme for schools offers targeted intervention support for individual children and groups. This wellbeing and mental health support focuses on the social, emotional, and mental health needs of young people. Every intervention is constructed to support individual needs so that every child can feel empowered, settled and motivated to learn and thrive.
Our Approach To Wellbeing & Mental Health Support
We combine our unique expert children’s wellbeing knowledge, the latest mental health research, years of experience supporting young people and schools all alongside proven science backed methods. This creates a highly effective mind-heart-body approaches that help young people to work through their area of need to support their daily lives both in school and at home.
Supporting Children and Schools

(Additional Support)
We specialise in working with and providing additional external support to all primary school teaching staff and school staff including SENDCO’s, SMHL and pastoral departments.
Our mental health and wellbeing programmes include: relationships, emotional development, managing transition & change, mindset, managing failure, belonging and identity, self-esteem, resilience and confidence development.
100% of class teachers and SENDCO’s have reported measurable positive progress and feel the tools introduced have supported them in class.
100% of all children that we have worked with have made progress in their area of need and feel the tools introduced have supported them in class, at home and play!
This is the perfect programme to support schools in enhancing their wellbeing strategy, SEND and SEMH provision as well as creative positive mental health outcomes for young people.
(Universal - Additional support)
Our Stretch & Shine programme is a whole school approach to social, emotional and wellbeing programme, supporting the mind-heart-body connection through movement.
These fun and engaging classes and sessions cover five key areas – move, play, breathe, empower and chill. Here, we aim to prevent social, emotional, and mental health needs specific to primary aged children.
Our sessions will take pupils on a journey of self-discovery, awareness, emotional literacy and building resilient relationships, whilst nurturing self-esteem and wellbeing, to help children be shiny from the inside out!
Links to the EYFS and Curriculum guidance for RSHE
90% of children enjoy the sessions and says it helps them to feel calm and settled in readiness to learn. 78% developed their emotional literacy/ manage emotions. 85% had build go-to tools to support their wellbeing.
This is the perfect mental health programme to support schools in enhancing PPA, enrichment and wellbeing themed planning.
Bubble Club
Our after school extended care club. It might only be a short time, but we make sure every minute counts, in our fun, explorative & nurturing Bubble Club.
These 1-hour after school sessions are designed to help children understand and develop relationships and help their wellbeing; building healthy children in a calm environment. A ‘Stretch & Shine’ session is followed by a range of activities, including arts & crafts, STEM and outdoor play – so however they are feeling that day, they will find an activity to put a smile on their face.
- 5-11 years of age
- Healthy snacks included
- KS1 & KS2 sessions available
- 100% of our children love our Bubble clubs!
Comprehensive Training Programmes for Schools
Thriving Classrooms with Neuro-Education
Bridging the Attainment Gap with Wellness IQ
Cultivate an empowered, happy, and thriving school environment for your pupils and staff. Our comprehensive training program integrates science with mind, heart, and body intelligence to empower and equip all.
Embark on this transformative journey with us and unlock the full potential of your entire school community.