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Children’s wellbeing services across the South West | Holiday Clubs, After School Clubs, School & Family Programmes & Training

Imagine a place where every child believes in themselves. Our mission is for children to think and feel great, in mind, heart & body; at home, school & play.

Happy Mojos is for schools and families who care about mental health and children's wellbeing!

All our services support happier, healthier communities by embedding sustainable and consistent approaches between the home and the school so all can thrive in today’s world

Why focus on mental health and children's wellbeing?

We believe that just like physical health, children’s wellbeing and mental health is a universal right and by adopting a whole person, preventative approach, we can all lead happier, more fulfilling lives. 

Six young people in every classroom are likely to be affected by mental health issues or have emerging mental health conditions.

We believe in starting early; we empower children, schools & families to adopt a positive culture of prevention, awareness , compassion & resilience, reducing attainment inequality as well as the need for NHS support and crisis intervention.

What services do we offer for young children?

We create inspiring and therapeutic spaces through training, clubs and classes that equip and empower children, schools and families to thrive in today’s world.

5* trusted
by Headteachers, Senco’s, teachers & parents
“ Useful advice for parenting any child. Would love to have a session on improving social skills."
Workshop Parent
“an incredibly positive impact on our children’s social, emotional and mental health."
Min has worked closely with teachers and support staff in tailoring her support so that sessions with individuals and groups ensure that pupils make great progress.” SENcO
Year 6 pupils - they have been provided new tools to help them cope in a variety of situations
They have improved self-esteem and they have really grown in confidence.
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How do we support children?

Drawing from our extensive background in education, children’s mental health and wellbeing, combined with proven science backed methods, we create highly effective mind-heart-body approaches that have a significant impact on children’s lives. 

We work in partnership with schools and families providing mental health support programmes and promoting social & emotional wellbeing. Our fun sessions and creative activities include: curriculum linked classes, extra curricular activities such as after school clubs and holiday clubs, all with the aim to nurture happy, confident and resilient children. 

Our sustainable training and professional support works directly with schools, parents and family members for life-long impact.

We help to develop:


mental wellbeing

healthy relationships

resilience for future tough times

emotional literacy

A sense of agency

Our children who work with us:

have decreased behavioural needs

are happier and more confident

have decreased behavioural needs

are happier and more confident

believe in themselves!

are motivated to learn and have a zest for life!

learn to take control of their own mental health

happy mojos core values words graphic

Release your inner child and thrive

We are proud of our achievements and all the happy minds and happy souls we have helped along the way.

Clubs & Classes
Happy Minds,
Happy Souls

Our wellbeing programmes, clubs and classes

Primary Schools

Our in-school programmes and training see us work closely with schools focussing on social, emotional, and mental literacy arming younger children with the knowledge and skills to progress & thrive.  


Our family services are designed to be simple and fun, building in wellness  tools and mental health focused approaches that can be utilised across the whole home environment, enriching relationships, cohesion and a happy home. 

Develop your wellness IQ today for a happier more confident and resilient you tomorrow